Friday, April 29, 2016

9 Cranberry Benefits

Powerhouse of Antioxidants, Heart Healthy and More

9 Cranberry Benefits: Powerhouse of Antioxidants, Heart Healthy and More

Here’s a list of nine cranberry benefits you should know.

During the course of the day, we’re all faced with many choices – some daunting, some second nature. Cream or sugarCarrot sticks or chocolate? And in the quest for better health, there are also many choices that fitness freaks are forced to make. Workout or sweet slumber? Eat a protein bar or a handful of cranberries? … Wait, cranberries!? Yes, these tart berries go beyond Thanksgiving (and Cosmopolitans). It turns out that this fruit is indeed a superfood, offering a lot more than it lets on.

The plant is actually a dwarf, creeping shrub, or vine, which runs up to 10 to 20 cm in height and bears small, evergreen leaves. The berry itself is tiny and very acidic in taste with a pH ranging from 2.3 to 2.5. Cranberries (Scientific Name: Vaccinium Macrocarpon)are loaded with vitamin C and fiber, rich in phyto-nutrients which are essential for all-round wellness, and also contain various chemical substances that may offer protection from tooth cavities, urinary tract infection, and inflammatory diseases.

9 Cranberry Benefits: Click here

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